We are on day 54 of our social distancing stay at home mumbo, and our keyboards are thumping. Everyone tells us all the time, “well I am just so rested in quarantine,” or “I am bored, I have nothing to do.” We feel anything but, y’all. Both of our full time jobs have been busy, and we have been spending a good bit of time trying to successfully find ways to balance our work at home and regular home lives.


With the time we do have to spare we have been reading, talking, and reminiscing about our lives. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get philosophical. BUT. We do remember what it was like in high school and undergrad. How we had nothing to worry about when we were in college. We hung out with friends and worked in the campus library My worst fear was a badly graded English paper that would destroy my love of the craft. Summer’s worst fear was missing a work shift or failing her paper on the Cold War and Margaret Thatcher. We saw movies on campus, went to homecoming, and rode to Cookout to waste time.


One of our mutual favorite memories was Spirit Week. First of all, where did people obtain some of those outfits? Second of all, why wear them out in public? But for those good outfits, we thrived on it, we lived for it. The Unicorns of creativity that came bursting forth in the midst of all the mediocrity. Tourist day, tacky day, sock day, and school pride days. Obviously, school pride won over everything else…fighting Camels, anyone?


So. Fast forward to today. We had a marvelous idea. A brilliant, awful, and marvelous idea. SumConsulting, all 2 people we have that are quarantined as employees, would have their own Spirit Week. So, here we are. This coming week, starting this Thursday, will be SumConsulting’s Spirit Week. We will dress in our own versions of the most creative things we can find, and we will celebrate. Celebrate being silly. Being funny and stressed but loving our lives to the best of our abilities, in the middle of a time when there is so much stress and sadness.


That is our hope for all of you as well during this month of May, as well as coming up into the summer months. Be silly. Be stressed. But be alive.