Happy almost Friday, Charlotteans. In this late evening blog post, we sit and reflect on a very productive week in the business realm of the city center. In addition to a full work week chock full of numerical and legal fun, Network After Work hosted its monthly event at Tupelo Honey in South End and you guessed it, we actually went. We socialized, and we made some worthwhile connections. So here is our shameless plug for this organization that supplies some awesome people in one room. If you’re a small business owner in Charlotte, or any larger city, we highly suggest getting involved in Network After Work as a whole. They operate across many cities, and work as a hub to support the cultivation of community. We met a range of personality types, while also exposing ourselves to multiple professional avenues.


Today, we both met previous connections from these same events for coffee to discuss potential references for one another as well as learned about their respective businesses. If you’re looking for a place to further cultivate community while also working double time to create word of mouth gain, this is the place for you, entrepreneurs. As the weekend approaches, SumConsulting is excited to pursue other opportunities coming up in the future. But for now, we rest.